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Hi! If you made it this far, you deserve to know the things that I personally think are
super important and want everyone else to know too... Shout it from the rooftops!
The world can be a better place.
A place that embraces all our unique differences but reminds us we’re still the
same damn thing. We live on this planet together. And it's the only one we've got.
We can do it better. Let's do better.
Get involved and stick together. Get involved globally... or start in your own community.
Expose the Truth, Protect the Planet.
OP Society is a team of passionate artists, activists and change agents committed to sustainibility and the preservation of our oceans and planet, founded by Louis Psihoyos. If you have any interest in saving the planet, starting with the ocean... read up, get involved and join the movement. You should also most definitely watch 'Racing Extinction'.
If you don't know what a hope spot is... You should definitely know what a hope spot is!!!
Decades of overfishing, pollution, climate change, acidification and other human pressures threaten the fundamental nature of the ocean—and therefore threaten the future of humankind.
Sylvia Earle, marine biologist, explorer extraordinaire is inspiring public awareness
to build a worldwide network of marine protected areas - HOPE SPOTS!
And it's freaking amazing. You can watch her TED talk and get all the
feels and hootspah here... Mission Blue. I can't take responsiblity for you
dropping your current idol for Dr. Earle though. Beyonce' ain't got nothin on her.
NY Cares has an amazing volunteer program that works around your schedule. They can help you find volunteer opportunities all over the 5 boroughs that cater to your special skills. Good with kids? Boom.
Be a tutor. Love dogs, but can't commit? Be a volunteer walker for a local shelter. Love dance? Teach a dance class at a shelter for women and children. This is a personal fave. You can't believe the impact you'll have on someone's day. Make a kid smile. It'll make you smile.
Get out of the city and spend the day with rescued farm animals!!
Catskills Animal Sanctuary is just up in Saugerties, totally badass and
they can only survive with the help of volunteers. There's a pig named
Sister Mary Frances and I don't understand why you haven't clicked on the
video link yet. Hang with Sister Mary or these two dudes on a free day
and help a farm full of heros keep the good going.
I'm pretty sure that's happiness.
Ever think about getting involved, but are overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Looking for something that won't scare the crap out of you, but instead motivate you to make some positive changes in your life, ultimately effecting others and the planet? Start here! I Am.
The Ground Project is the start of something I've wanted to do for a long time. You may have realized by now (I've hinted at it quite subtly, I think) ahem... Anyhoo, I love documentary films and the idea that when they reach all the people they truly need to, they can do some real good. WE NEED ALL THE GOOD.
The Ground Project bridges the gap between documentary films and the stage.
We tell stories that change people's minds. Stories that open people's eyes and
inspire a shift in perception through solidarity and wait for it... love.
The Ground Project is a place where stories of social action, environmental activism, injustice, discrimination, love and hate are presented
through live performance. Plays, dance, music, stories. Have something to say?
This is the place to workshop it. Don't let your idea die. Shout it from the rooftops.
Take it away Jane...
I know it can seem overwhelming, but just start with one thing! Pick one small thing to help... you'd be shocked at how much it truly does.
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